Saturday, September 3, 2016


Hello, friends.

The first post on a blog is always the hardest. I never know where to begin.

But, once the first post is out of the way, all of the others seem to be less intimidating. If you're reading this, you probably already know all of the back-story to this trip, so I'll mostly skip that part: but I do like bullet points, so here are a few just to bring you up to speed.
  • I'm a twenty year old American follower of Jesus, who happens to be a college student majoring in American Sign Language Interpreting. While I love school, I am thrilled at the opportunity to take a semester off of college and spend it in Mexico working with missionary kids (and plenty of other kids, too, at the local orphanage) instead. 
  • This is my first assignment from Mission Nanny, and also my first time out of the US of A. 
  • I arrived in Mexico on 8/31/16 and, while I don't have a return date set, I plan to head back to the States sometime in December. 
  • During my time here, I will be serving the Mayer family (Americans who run a medical clinic in La Mision, Mexico. Brendan and Sarah have three daughters: G---, N---, and A---). I am beyond excited for the opportunity to pour into G, N, and A in these months, and to learn as much as I can about this country, and these people, and the work that Jesus has begun here. 

Santa Anita, a section of the La Mision Community
*whew*. The first post is out of the way. Thanks for reading. :)

|| haley

 p.s. --
A huge thanks to the friends who were praying that I would connect well with the girls. A---, age 3, has already marched around the house declaring emphatically, "I need help-- I need my Nanny." We're all very good buddies already ;).